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TRiG's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
46 votes

What word means a “male temptress”?

32 votes

What does “a couple” mean to you, and what does “a few” mean to you?

18 votes

Is there such a thing as a "positive" antonym to catastrophe?

17 votes

How to write a bulleted list?

16 votes

Equivalent of "former" and "latter" for more than 2 items

16 votes

Self-Learner vs Self-Taught vs Autodidact

16 votes

An Exocentric compound for Children

14 votes

How would you abbreviate surnames starting with Mc/O/D?

14 votes

What is the phrase or idiom for older people who still can function properly

11 votes

What does "thy" mean?

11 votes

Should a name that is capitalized contain a lower case letter, for example, McDONALD or MCDONALD?

9 votes

Do any UK place names have non-ASCII characters?

9 votes

Is "not at all" still alive and doing well?

9 votes

Just how offensive are the terms "retarded" and "gay"?

8 votes

Hardest tongue twister seen

8 votes

What would you call a person who looks around for useful or used stuff?

8 votes

What's the difference between "hallow", "sacred", "holy" and "saint"?

8 votes

Is "adorable" used to describe an adult?

7 votes

How to choose between British and American English for technical documents

7 votes

How should I ask for a bill in a restaurant politely?

7 votes

"Football" and "Soccer"

7 votes

Which is correct: "There are not any employees" or "There is not any employee"?

7 votes

Are the endings "-zation" and "-sation" interchangeable?

7 votes

How bad is the f-word, really?

6 votes

fait accompli – to italicize, or not to italicize

6 votes

Difference between "socket" and "outlet"

6 votes

Expression "to arrive at a place with your hands hanging"

6 votes

How should one say times aloud in 24-hour notation?

6 votes

AM/PM vs a.m./p.m. vs am/pm

5 votes

Can a word be contracted twice (e.g. "I'ven't")?