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Best synonym for "keep" when comparing a new, improved release of a product to a previous one

You could say preserves, to show a continuation. As in: "X preserves all of Y's functionality, while adding in new and exciting features, etc."
Spaghetti's user avatar
1 vote

"They treat us badly." — Is "badly" a core or non-core complement here, in CGEL's analysis?

Non-core. Huddleston & Pullum don't quite say this outright, but from the section "Five canonical constructions" (p. 218) it's clear that only subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, ...
alphabet's user avatar
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-2 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

You can also simply use the word "encode". Google definition: encode /ɪnˈkəʊd,ɛnˈkəʊd/ verb [Computing] convert (information or an instruction) into a particular form. "the amount of ...
alwayslearning's user avatar
-3 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

At first, I didn’t understand the question until I saw the link you provided. You’re probably annoyed by the title, right? Honestly, I didn’t think much of it at first, but after reading your analysis,...
user8969177's user avatar
6 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

Other answers already gave you various terminologies for different scenarios, but here is a more precise guide on how to use them in various source and target formats / locations / media: Conversion ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
1 vote

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

Convert would be the general term for changing one digital format into another, regardless of the specific procedure used to achieve it.
blanchart's user avatar
-3 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

Usually when you are going from one digital format to another you are Compressing or decompressing Or, you are Encrypting or decrypting If you are not doing any of these you are wasting time but I ...
Stian's user avatar
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2 votes

What does 'attorney' mean in this passage from The Winter's Tale

Alexander Schmidt, Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary, third edition (1892) has this entry for attorneyed: Attorneyed, 1) performed by proxy: their encounters, though not personal, have for ...
Sven Yargs's user avatar
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20 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

Files can be converted from one type to another, or data can be exported/imported from one format to a file in another format. Those are the most commonly used terms for changing the file type. When ...
Divizna's user avatar
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29 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

transcode Transcoding is the direct digital-to-digital conversion of one encoding to another, such as for video data files, audio files (e.g., MP3, WAV), or character encoding (e.g., UTF-8, ISO/IEC ...
GEdgar's user avatar
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9 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

The most general term for this kind of process, whether involving digital formats or not, would be “format shifting”. There are pages of search-engine hits for that phrase and a Wikipedia article ...
user3840170's user avatar
2 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

"Digitization" is also used to describe the process of populating databases with files or data. While this usage is technically inaccurate, it originates for the previously-proper use of the ...
DjinTonic's user avatar
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7 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

Although more modern words may exist if you are looking for something people may understand I believe "ripping" the media would be a correct thing to say. Or another word that would sound a ...
jake mcgowan's user avatar
-3 votes

To “digitize” means to turn something into a digital format that was previously not digital. What to call changing one digital format into another?

Cloudify - wiktionary: (computing) To convert and/or migrate data and application programs in order to make use of cloud computing. There's also a noun, cloudification.
Stuart F's user avatar
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