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31 votes

Why do some people write text all in lower case?

Summary: These are deliberate choices conveying certain complex social interactions, especially by young people. They are not ungrammatical, nor are they slang. They are also nothing new. Frame ...
tchrist's user avatar
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7 votes

Were double consonants pronounced at some period of history?

English has around 16-20 vowels (vocalic phonemes) depending on whether you're considering General American or RP or, indeed, other dialects of English. However, it only has 5 letters typically used ...
Araucaria - Him's user avatar
5 votes

Were double consonants pronounced at some period of history?

It depends on whether you're talking about the history of the language as a whole, or the history of specific words now spelled with double consonant letters (such as toboggan and baggage). If you ...
herisson's user avatar
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4 votes

What do Strunk and White discuss in The Elements of Style concerning the terms "to-day," "every one," and other compound words?

Although the PDF version of The Elements of Style cited in the posted question above is presented (by someone at as being an edition—albeit an undated one—co-authored by ...
Sven Yargs's user avatar
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3 votes

What do Strunk and White discuss in The Elements of Style concerning the terms "to-day," "every one," and other compound words?

Many words such as to-day were spelled with hyphens until fairly recently. See the following post for more information: Change from to-day to today Strunk and White appear to be referencing a ...
SynonymousVillage's user avatar
2 votes

Which is correct grammatically ? "Give in your will." or "Give, in your will"

The title of your question is misinformed. This isn't a matter of grammar, it's a matter of style. There are common conventions, and there are style manuals, but there's no definitively correct answer,...
Chappo Hasn't Forgotten's user avatar
1 vote

Why do some people write text all in lower case?

In many online venues and communities, typing in all lower case is not only not regarded as incorrect; it is the ordinary way to communicate, and a norm of sorts. Typing with completely standard ...
Hammerite's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do some people write text all in lower case?

Typing in only lower case (whether on desktop or mobile) is simply faster. Contra the other answers, this is NOT just a "young" person/"cool"/"slang" thing; NOT a mobile ...
user103496's user avatar

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