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future perfect or present perfect in a relative clause qualifying a noun contained in a time clause?

@tchrist was too kind in his comments. To make this readable remove the unnecessary stuff about attending a performance (what else would they do at the opera?) and split into two sentences: … when ...
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Help with relative clause questions?

Yes, those clauses are relative clauses, without doubt. No, it is not possible to change "which" to "that", the reason being that this relative clause being a non-defining ...
LPH's user avatar
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What is the difference between relative and content clause?

Relative clauses usually modify nouns. Content clauses usually act like nouns, functioning as subjects or objects (which is why they are called noun clauses), but sometimes also modify nouns, as in ...
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What is the difference between relative and content clause?

Consider: He told me that the earth is flat -> "that the earth is flat" gives the content of what he told you. "I imagine that your car is rather fast." "that your car is ...
Greybeard's user avatar
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which in turns slows

From a geophysics standpoint, the earth's being fatter around the middle slows its rotation as "a ballet dancer slows her spin by spreading out her arms". But from a syntactic point of view, ...
TimR's user avatar
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which in turns slows

The prose describes a sequence of causes and effects. The initial feature of glacier melt is the cause of the effect of Rising sea level. This becomes the cause of the effect of more water at the ...
Anton's user avatar
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