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This is an English question in a Korean SAT mock test. Anyone can help?

I agree that the paragraph is poorly constructed, but the answer ought to be 3. The reason for this, the sentence beginning "However" makes no sense in relation to the sentence before it if they are ...
Yeshe's user avatar
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4 votes

sudo up to root -- I'm not sure if I understand the phrasing correctly

sudo: is a program for Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser. (Wikipedia) The root account ...
marcellothearcane's user avatar
4 votes

Translating old charm to modern language

It's certainly not Old English; from the date it's Early Modern English (Old English is almost incomprehensible to a native speaker of modern English). What you're having trouble with is a rambling ...
Chris H's user avatar
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3 votes

What do you understand from this? Is this person a football player?

Is this person a football player? Yes. "I have always wanted to be a footballer." Not useful information yet. Just information about a dream. A dream to be a footballer, i.e. somebody who plays ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
3 votes

What do you understand from this? Is this person a football player?

From this fragment I can understand, that the person in question is indeed a football player. That person has always dreamt about being a footballer (say, in their childhood), and now he (I presume it'...
Aleksander's user avatar
3 votes

This is from a high school English test in South Korea

It seems to start out as resentful, as the author seems to be upset that his father did not spend a lot of "quality time" with him as a child. But the close of the paragraph seems more at nostalgic, ...
Carly's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the meaning of "These aren't things"?

What he's saying is that "would of, should of, and could of" are not actually what people should be saying. They are deviations from "would have, should have, and could have", respectively. However, ...
Dispenser's user avatar
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How to interpret the two lines in the poem?

A tropical beach is virtually deserted at night and when it's raining. Thus the poet can compare a beach scene with no people about and where there is a light rain with grey clouds moving across the ...
KarlG's user avatar
  • 28.2k
2 votes

Does adding on to a statement mean you agree with it?

There's an implication of agreement but person B has not directly agreed. Now if person A were a lawyer, person B would be saying that person A is not to be trusted. My view is that this is a way of ...
rambler's user avatar
  • 19
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Function of a line in this Reading Comprehension

Option (E)— explain why the Spanish use of sugar in chocolate was not a sign of a need to transform chocolate —is actually a rather poor explanation of why the author brings up native ...
Sven Yargs's user avatar
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Why do so many people insist on using incomprehensible, obscure, ambiguous acronyms all the time?

Why did you write "ambiguous" instead of "with several possible meanings and no way to know which one is meant"? You didn't write it in order to feel smart or because you wanted to waste my time, did ...
Sophie Swett's user avatar
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meaning of "riding out on sorties in quest of adventure"

This is not trivial prose to decipher. sortie = a short, quick attack by a military force, such as a small group of soldiers or an aircraft, made against an enemy position "A series of sorties ...
Anton's user avatar
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Complex Phrase on Alan Watts Recording

It sounds similar to St. Anselm's way of referring to God. In his work The Proslogian, he considers the implications of thinking of God as "That than which nothing greater can be conceived". ...
Paul Kelly's user avatar
1 vote

Strict separation of choice and structure

In the US, there was recently a recall referendum for Democratic Governor Newsom. The referendum had a certain structure, which was basically: Recall Newsom, Yes or No? If Yes, who from the following ...
rajah9's user avatar
  • 16.3k
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Meaning of 'That seems to be it' in context

Since Amy has already said, in effect, No, the phrase “That seems to be it” is an interview ender, and means that all the questions have been asked. Given that this is ambiguous, that choice is likely,...
Xanne's user avatar
  • 16.3k
1 vote

Meaning of 'That seems to be it' in context

In this case, I would consider "That seems to be it" as an affirmation of the fact that psychodrama is not an extramural course. If you consider "That seems to be it" to be ...
shattereddonuts's user avatar
1 vote

How to understand this passage “People are discovering new but often old identities …”

I think he meant "new to the person adopting the identity". 'New' is often used this way, for instance someone may say "I just got a new car" when they mean that they have changed ...
BoldBen's user avatar
  • 17.2k
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A hard to understand paragraph

Here's a critique rather than a solution There are too many (potential) clauses in the sentence. Target each sentence to make one point, and one point only. The "rethinking on our part" is ...
user419009's user avatar
1 vote

"He was a considerable cut above the leagers" meaning

It is an idiomatic expression: be a cut above better than other people or things All of his books are good, but this one is a cut above (the rest). She's a cut above the other competitors and ...
user 66974's user avatar
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This is an English question in a Korean SAT mock test. Anyone can help?

The flow of the writing the author intends is as follows. My own paraphrasing to the original passage is provided for each original sentence following the arrow sign (-->) beside it and I also put my ...
MinHyung Lee's user avatar
1 vote

The first light picture ever taken!

The two nouns 'light' and 'picture' stand in the same relationship as oil painting dry-point engraving pencil sketch The first noun describes the method of making the picture. In this case light ...
Hugh's user avatar
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What is the conclusion of the passage

Clearly refers to "Woman Hollering Creek", that is the collection of short stories by Sandra Cisneros. The reason for it is where it appears in the text. It comes after the statement that her works ...
ib11's user avatar
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Understanding "material circumstances" of "personal data" in context

In a legal sense something is material when it's relevant and important. Circumstances are all the facts connected with some matter. Circumstances include even minor details, subordinate and accessory ...
Douglas Reid's user avatar
1 vote

"like it like you" vs "like it, like you"

I find the first one a bit odd, but yes, it has a different meaning. The first one is a comparison: she doesn't like it in the way, or to the degree, that you do. It is not even saying that she ...
Colin Fine's user avatar
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Is the sentence below grammatically correct? Is it comprehensible?

Is it grammatically correct? Yes, however, the comma after "SMEs" indicates the last two thirds of the sentence are an "aside". Is it comprehensible? Yes, but I'd shorten it to: Gray had already ...
Aaron Bell's user avatar
1 vote

What is the meaning of "These aren't things"?

No, it's not an idiom. What he's saying is basically this: these aren't things that you can really say. We could even paraphrase his sentence like this: this is not something you/people really say. ...
Michael Rybkin's user avatar
1 vote

What does the phrase 'cross-cutting initiatives' mean?

Cross-Cutting in medicine, recently, is aiming to apply basic science as is. Looking for understanding the treatment benefits while some theoretical or empirical experiences were driven from basic ...
JOHNSON NINO's user avatar
1 vote

The child, I am sure, was part of the appeal...What does it mean? difficult to understand :(

The passage doesn’t explain whether the child was the Dad’s or not, but that is possibly implied, though it’s ambiguous. I wonder if he had previously helped out with the birth eg. As an army medic. ...
Harry Tuttle's user avatar
1 vote

What is the meaning of "that" as an Internet slang?

"That!" is an affirmation by the person saying it approving of what another speaker has just said. Here are some similar ways of saying the same thing with perhaps different flavors from different ...
Tom22's user avatar
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