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Questions tagged [pronunciation-respelling]

Inventing a new or perceived spelling of a word, in order to indicate its pronunciation

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2 answers

Motley - motlier - motliest

I've just come across these inflective forms of the adjective motley, instead of the expected motleyer/motleyest. Is this a pronunciation spelling, or a regular pattern like those for clayey and skyey?...
GJC's user avatar
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Which institution or regulatory body is legitimate to define a spelling reform of the english language? [duplicate]

There are many proposals to reform the English spelling, to make it more similar to its phonetic pronunciation: But in the end, who ...
blue_lama's user avatar
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Is this pronunciation transcript understandable for people who know British English?

I wonder how to write down the pronunciation of words in English without using IPA. Sometimes on the internet I have seen something like this: It is pronounced like uh-aw-to-muh-tuh Or It is ...
Donterioo's user avatar
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Do non-rhotic (British) English speakers often insert a silent "r" when respelling certain words?

This question on SF&F Stack Exchange asked how a particular name ("Chasch", made up by the author) from a novel would be pronounced. An answer to the question referenced an audiobook of ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Is there a (more-or-less) established spelling for “the us[ual]”?

Unusual orthography When you visit your local diner, or favorite bar, and the server wants to know if you’d like your standard order, the thing you always get, they’ll often inquire, in shorthand: ...
Dan Bron's user avatar
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Is “not’ve” a valid [𝒔𝒊𝒄] contraction in either of spoken English or written English – or both or neither?

My English teacher has recently explained to me that not’ve is an accepted way to write the two spoken words not have, and he gave me this example of using it: Why that machine is not working? Oh, ...
J_Kidd's user avatar
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How to change a word?

My English teachers strenuously denied it, but languages are not immutable. Centuries ago, Daniel Webster regularized the American spelling of various words ("center", "draft", etc). More recently, ...
Foo Bar's user avatar
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Reengineering or re-engineering? [closed]

I have seen both spellings of re-engineering used (with and without hyphen). Personally I prefer the hyphenated version as it aids with proper pronunciation of the word. seems to ...
Flexo013's user avatar
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long vowel spelling rule

A spelling rule is saying something like "add e to the end of a word to get a long vowel." for example:- the o in hop is short vowel, that is why it has no e at the end. the o in hope is long vowel. ...
Costa's user avatar
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Pronunciation: ah, oh, etc

English vowels have several pronunciations so when people try to explain how to pronounce foreign words (without IPA, which is what they should be using ;-)) they add lots of silent Hs and hyphens, e....
marcus's user avatar
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Why is /e/ generally transcribed as 'ay'?

I’ve seen pretty often in phonetic transcriptions for English speakers who weren’t familiar with the IPA the phoneme /e/ or /ɛ/ transcribed as ay: Here "lejos" (/'le.xos/) is transcribed as lay-hoss1....
Yay's user avatar
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Is there a standard for simplified pronunciation hints?

Often in introductory textbooks, new terms are introduced with a simplified pronunciation hint. For example, pharmaceutical (FAR-muh-sue-ti-kal) It's certainly not IPA or even the types of ...
Adrian McCarthy's user avatar
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"gauging interest" or "gaging interest"? [closed]

Which is the proper spelling? "I am just gaging interest" "I am just gauging interest" Google searching is giving me inconsistent results. Also: If the answer is "gaging", why does the 'u' get ...
Stephan's user avatar
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A word or sentence that makes no sense until you understand the irregular spelling [duplicate]

English has a "intricate" relationship between graphemes and phonemes,i.e. there is no sure way of knowing how to pronounce something by just looking at its written form. Generally any language has ...
Mike Anblips's user avatar
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How should one spell the sound "eye" when creating a word?

How can I invent a word (or name) containing the sound "ai" (sounds like "eye") so that an English-speaker is likely to guess the correct pronunciation based on spelling alone, with no outside ...
Keen's user avatar
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What's this notation for marking up pronunciation?

What's this notation for marking up pronunciation? analgesic: ann-ull-JEE-zick What's a good introductory article or book to learn it?
qazwsx's user avatar
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What is the name for "pronunciation spelling"?

Dictionaries often have "pronunciation spelling" listed next to the word. For example: port·man·teau - noun \pȯrt-ˈman-(ˌ)tō\ What is the name for this alphabet/system? Is it a universal system, ...
IQAndreas's user avatar
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What's the name of this pronunciation guide

In dictionaries I see two guides for pronunciation. for example, for the word "ambiguity":  [am-bi-gyoo-i-tee] AND /ˌæmbɪˈgyuɪti/ I know the second one is named IPA. My question is, is there a ...
user16948's user avatar
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Is there any way to convey a certain pronunciation in the English language?

Take the sentence: I want to give you the best customer experience possible. How can I change a part of the sentence so that the "the" is pronounced as "thee"?
David G's user avatar
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“ē” and “iː”: I want a tutorial

My English textbook use “iː”, and I find some online dictionaries use “ē”. Where can I find information about this phonics system?
lovespring's user avatar
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Are there different types of Pronunciation Guides?

In dictionaries you'll often see a pronunciation guide next to words like (bakery would be beɪkəri). Are there different standards of these pronunciation guides? Also, where can I learn how to ...
Dan's user avatar
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