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bobro's user avatar
bobro's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
49 votes

What is the action called when a grumpy old man shows that he is annoyed, by making a 'throat-clearing' sound?

40 votes

Are there English equivalents for “as beautiful as butt inside out”?

8 votes

What does "potted history" mean?

5 votes

Where is a place located?

5 votes

Word for '100% majority'?

5 votes

Is it ever correct to use "to English" as a verb?

4 votes

Single word antonym of "empathy"

4 votes

To whoever wills ... Vs. To whomever wills

3 votes

Usage of the noun 'news'

3 votes

Can I start a sentence with Then?

3 votes

What is the term for the relationship between two words when they have similar but not identical pronunciation?

2 votes

User was or user were to store data?

2 votes

Which one is better in a technical manual: "to obstruct" or "to hinder"

2 votes

bemustached versus mustached

2 votes

"But for all his foolish pranks, he was worshipped in the ranks"

2 votes

A linking word that expresses contrast but in a positive context

2 votes

What is it called when someone uses a slightly absurd specific example of something to be humorous?

2 votes

Remember myself doing something

2 votes

sewer or sewers

2 votes

Verb for "... his passion"

2 votes

which is your favourite game /what is your favourite game

1 vote

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1 vote

An adjective with "knowledge"

1 vote

Similar forms to word-making as onomatopoeia

1 vote

Looking for a word with a more positive connotation than "infectious"

1 vote

Journey to hell and journey to the hell

1 vote

Is there a term for words that have the same transliteration?

1 vote

"celebrate on your father's victory"

1 vote

Devoid and Lack

1 vote

What is the term for a word that has come to mean the opposite of its orignal meaning?