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Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Peter - Reinstate Monica
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
26 votes

What is an "alternative fact"?

18 votes

Word for "music playing in a mall."

12 votes

A fun, catchy way to say the opposite of a 'no-brainer'?

12 votes

Looking for a plural noun related to ‘fulcrum’ or ‘pivot’ that denotes multiple things as crucial to success

9 votes

Word for someone who has been through a lot of hardship and is therefore not naïve

8 votes

What's an eponymous adjective that is an antonym of Machiavellian?

8 votes

Word that means married but also includes pre-marriage relationship?

8 votes

Does the word candidate have to refer to a person?

8 votes

Is there a figurative term equivalent to the German idiom "Fingerübung"?

7 votes

What's the word for undoing progress?

7 votes

Creating a situation that is too easy to cheat

7 votes

Why is “toast” uncountable?

6 votes

A word or a phrase for "completely optimised, thoroughly researched technology"

6 votes

Word or idiom defining something barely functional

6 votes

Idiomatic phrase for "review passed once you did the following"

5 votes

Is there a specific name for that singular exhalation laugh that happens when you read something only slightly funny?

5 votes

Is there an English word for "Kundenbekämpfung" (customer combatting)

5 votes

What is the non-funny equivalent of a spoof? Such as a dark, gritty, alternative re-telling of a story

5 votes

Idiom/phrase for achieving just the tip of the iceberg

5 votes

What's one word for the phrase 'the act of taking your head back on seeing something strange'?

5 votes

Word for an event that will likely never happen again

5 votes

Translate the French quote "Il n’y a pas d'amour, il n’y a que des preuves d’amour" to English?

4 votes

Term for "professional" who doesn't make their living from that kind of work

4 votes

Should instead of would

4 votes

What does "about" mean in this extract?

4 votes

Word for 'eroded' with a positive connotation

4 votes

Term for a single piece of jargon

3 votes

Is there a good term for a 'paper trail' that actually consists of e-mail communication?

3 votes

What is the opposite of a health benefit?

3 votes

Are there similar figurative expressions in English to Japanese proverb, “メッキが剥げる – the gilding peels off” to describe to show one’s true color?