Linked Questions

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Do I have a couple of questions or a few? [duplicate]

I know what the dictionary definitions are for few and couple. Not looking for reciting the definition or etymology. I would like someone to tell me in common usage is it appropriate to call 3 of ...
RyeɃreḁd's user avatar
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How Many is "A Few"? [duplicate]

I'm preparing some marketing materials for my boss, and one section contains the phrase "Here are a few examples:". The list that follows contains two items, which strikes me as being incorrect, ...
BiscuitBaker's user avatar
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Does "a couple of" always mean exactly two? [duplicate]

As in the title. Does the expression a couple of always have to mean exactly two (like a pair of) or can it mean more (things/objects)? I know a couple, at least in one of its meanings, means a pair (...
NPS's user avatar
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Can use this expression "Couple questions" for more than two questions ? [duplicate]

I mean when we mention couple , we make a reference to two stuffs. But I want to use it in a title to mean more than that. is this correct ? To illustrate that: is the following title correct ? ...
IamaTacos's user avatar
4 votes
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Approximate values of amount modifiers [duplicate]

This is an area of English that I consistently have trouble with. Consider the following sentences. I have a couple of books on my desk. I have a bunch of books on my desk. I have a number of books ...
Koldito's user avatar
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Strict Definition of "Few" [duplicate]

I've seen other questions on the usage of "few", but I'm wondering if there is an official definition on the numerical value of the word. The common rule seems to be a couple is two, a few is three or ...
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Couple, few and several [duplicate]

During typical conversation, how would one define couple, few and several? I have read the actual definitions; however, they appear to be a bit vague. My thoughts are: A couple is two. A few is ...
Dave Friedman's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Why are numbers usually written twice in contracts?

In contracts numbers are usually written twice: in numerical and literal form. I understand the vast majority of text in a typical contract can be safely deleted without impacting the core message ...
Andreas Bonini's user avatar
20 votes
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What is the proper usage of "quite a few"?

I found the following definitions of "quite a few" in dictionaries: Merriam-Webster: many Wiktionary: An indefinite and somewhat large number; more than a few but fewer than a lot; a fair number of....
b.roth's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the upper bound on "several"?

In this answer on Stack Overflow, the term "several" is used as an indeterminate number, the actual value of which is literally in the quintillions: Zero is one of several values that can be ...
Stephen Canon's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Is 'couple' ever used in the sense of 'some'?

Is the usage of the word couple (as in, "I want to ask a couple of questions...") to mean 'some' or 'few' correct (as in, interpreting given example to mean "I want to ask a few questions")? As a ...
Ankur Banerjee's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Blunt, brusque, curt, and terse -- is there a gradation of connotation here?

I have two related questions. Do each of these 4 words have negative connotation regarding intent? (E.g., rudeness, malice, inappropriateness, etc.) If so, is there a gradation (or scale) of ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How many is many? [closed]

Many is a great word for its ambiguity. You needn't know the actual number and you're still fine to say many. It lets you speak without knowing, or focus on the main idea without getting lost in the ...
Unrelated's user avatar
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Is it considered normal to say "many millions"?

For a poem I'm writing for my English class, in order to fit in some consonance, I plan on saying Many millions of miles But I am wondering if this is correct grammar, as millions already implies ...
TheCompModder's user avatar
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In formal writing, is there any difference between "couple" and "some"?

For example in a résumé, are Experience in a couple of rendering tools and Experience in some rendering tools the same from the point of view of formality?
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