Linked Questions

3 votes
2 answers

Disoriented vs. Disorientated [duplicate]

In the U.S., we seemingly prefer the former to the latter. However, I was sitting with my friends when one of them stated that he was "disorientated" while we were playing a video game. My theory, at ...
ndugger's user avatar
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Is "orientate" a word? Does it matter where you are when using it? [duplicate]

Is orientate a word and if so how is it different than orient? I found this definition of it says "Generally considered an error in American English." does this mean it is not wrong for British ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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"Orienting" or "orientating"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Oriented vs. Orientated Both orienting and orientating seem to be in common use. Is there any difference in meaning or usage? Is orientating just a common misspelling?
HMcG's user avatar
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“Oriented” vs. “orientated” [duplicate]

I couldn't help but add an additional frame of reference. Though I personally find the utterance of "orientated" to be a failed attempt at the proper word "oriented", the collective commentary is ...
user71328's user avatar
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1 answer

"Object oriented" vs. "object orientated" [duplicate]

I've heard both used interchangeably with regards to object-[oriented/orientated] programming. What's SE's opinion on it?
Cameron Brown's user avatar
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Changing usage of certain words [duplicate]

I grew up using "preventive" approaches -- Now I see more often "preventative" Similarly- market "oriented" no longer but "orientated" When did this change happen? What is correct usage?
C. Banerjee's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Is "conversate" a word?

Conversate: To converse, to participate in a conversation. My parents conversate with me over dinner every night. Is this a word? Spell check says no, but I have heard it used.
Tester101's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Why are "colleagues" becoming "work colleagues"?

I've noticed over the last few years that people who were formerly my colleagues have become my work colleagues. Does anyone know why this should be so? (Perhaps I should also mention that the ...
Brian Hooper's user avatar
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Difference between "alternate" and "alternative" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “Alternately” or “alternatively” What is the difference between alternate and alternative? For example, I have two versions of the same software and I ...
Alec Smart's user avatar
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4 answers

Is 'disabilitated' a real word?

I think not, but look at this Wikipedia link about parental leave in different countries, scroll down to the large table and look under Romania. I don't think this is a real word, I tried doing an ...
Kyle's user avatar
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What's a word for "properly oriented"?

While editing and improving a question on the Cognitive Sciences site, I came across the following sentence: Infants can detect an upside human face right after they are born This sounded awkward ...
Josh's user avatar
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Is there a pejorative word for "poor" that can be used in a self-deprecating way?

I was trying to translate Portuguese-language expression pé-rapado into English, which literally means "grated/rasped/shaved foot", but that probably makes no sense in English. I'm not sure those ...
Leonardo Castro's user avatar
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Is there a concise word for "cough tea"?

I'm looking for the word that describes a tea making coughing more productive. Is there any concise word for that?
Johannes Schaub - litb's user avatar
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What is the correct term for "rubbing statues' parts for luck"?

What is the correct term for the habit or action of rubbing statues' parts (noses, fingers, feet etc.) for luck or other superstitious reasons? I mean a learned word, like 'philately' for 'collecting ...
Anton Tykhyy's user avatar