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Bachelor vs Engineer degree and thesis [closed]

So when it comes to my education I have earned an Engineer's degree at some European university, and my final thesis was some thing that I definitely would like to boast about before my future, ...
Isla Yoder's user avatar
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System(s) Analyst - Should System be Plural or Singular?

There are many positions and topics that revolve around "system(s) [x]" and a few other base words. Systems Analyst vs System Analyst Does it change if we reference a function instead of a job title?...
Meow_ly's user avatar
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What's a good way to describe the professional occupation of someone who is a street hustler, without using derogatory terms?

I am filling in a form for someone who basically does a variety of odd jobs to make a living, including reselling items, but "Sales" is not really an accurate way to describe their occupation. I am ...
Dominique's user avatar
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What to call a graduate in Engineering Physics? [closed]

What to call a graduate in Engineering Physics based on the academic background, and why is it called Engineering Physics and no Physical Engineer (like mechanical/electrical engineering)? https://...
kkkkk's user avatar
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Professional way to state the purpose of a letter [closed]

I'm writing a letter to a professor. It is my intention to state the purpose of the letter in the prescript, such as: This is about project FOO you assigned on date BAR. But I think this would ...
MD XF's user avatar
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Term for calling a non-programmer who has an effective, important role in a project [closed]

What is the official term (within a (software) project organization) for calling someone who is not a programmer however (s)he plans the nuts and bolts of the system, it goals, challenges and ...
Eilia's user avatar
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What do you call someone who builds fences

What do you call someone who builds fences other than maybe "fence builder"? Is there a specialized name for that - maybe even archaic? Example: A smithy smith works with metal (Correction @Chris ...
chux's user avatar
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"Pitcher" or "Pitchee" when referring to oneself in a submission form

I'm pitching a story to a public broadcaster and the layout asks that I put my name on the top of the form. Am I the "Pitcher" or the "Pitchee", or should I just go with "Name"? "Name" seems too vague ...
David Krause's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the name for a person who raises turkeys?

Some agricultural professions have specific names assigned to them. For example, a person who raises sheep is a shepherd and a person who raises cattle is a rancher. What would a person who raises ...
Adam Dunn's user avatar
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Co-Founder, Co-founder, or cofounder?

I've seen all three used and there doesn't seem to be a definitive one that I can find. I'm hedging towards Co-Founder as it's a title, but any clarity would be appreciated. Edit If it makes it any ...
divillysausages's user avatar