Linked Questions

177 votes
2 answers

Is it "a user" or "an user"? [duplicate]

Since "user" starts with a vowel, shouldn't we use "an"? I've seen many cases of using "a".
William shekspeare's user avatar
45 votes
4 answers

Is it "a uniform" or "an uniform"? [duplicate]

On a Physics specification, it says: 6.7 Know how to use two permanent magnets to produce a uniform magnetic field pattern. Isn't it "produce an uniform magnetic field", or is the existing "...
JFW's user avatar
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Which is correct — "a year" or "an year"? [duplicate]

The word year when pronounced starts with a phonetic sound of e which is a vowel sound making it eligible for being preceded by an. Yet, we tend to write a year. Why?
ikartik90's user avatar
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Is it 'a usual' or 'an usual'? Why? [duplicate]

is it 'a usual' or 'an usual'? 'A usual' sounds more correct in my head ('Today was a usual day.') than 'an usual', but u is a vowel. Which one is correct and why?
JFW's user avatar
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Article when there is an adjective before a noun [duplicate]

When to use a or an before a noun when there are adjectives before that noun? like the following example: An operator pressed the button. should that make: A professional operator pressed the ...
Caspar Kleijne's user avatar
3 votes
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"a" or "an" for words that don't start with vowels but sound like they're starting with a vowel [duplicate]

Is it correct to say or write an student or an store?
Mysterion's user avatar
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"A English nerd" versus "an English nerd" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should I use “a” vs “an”? “a” or “an” for words that don't start with vowels but sound like they're starting with a ...
Swizec Teller's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

"a" or "an" ubiquitous? [duplicate]

I am unsure whether to use "a" or "an" in the following sentence: Video games have become a/an ubiquitous part of American culture. For me, saying the two sentences out loud makes "an" seem like the ...
terminex9's user avatar
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Why is "union" an exception to the "a/an" rule? [duplicate]

Usually when a word starts with a vowel, we will use "an" before it. But for union, it is "a union" not "an union." It is not explained in the previously mentioned a vs an why union is an exception. ...
user1470901's user avatar
0 votes
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Is the "an" rule applied when a sum of money is in between? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should I use “a” vs “an”? I have recently seen this image: Should "a" have been used instead of "an" in the " $100,000 apartment" part?
ajax333221's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the rule for using "a" or "an" in a sentence? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: “A user” or “an user”? Use of “a” versus “an” If I remember correctly back to my school days, the rule is to use "a" if the ...
BG100's user avatar
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When using "an" before a vowel sounds wrong [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When should I use “a” vs “an”? Do you use “a” or “an” before acronyms? Consider the following sentence: "This is a one-time deal" sounds right "This is an one-time deal" ...
Yarin's user avatar
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Is there a name for the "a"/"an" exceptions? [duplicate]

"A person" or "an ornament" are normal instances of 'A' being followed by consonants or vowels. However the rule seems to have exceptions when a word sounds like it starts with the opposite, such as "...
Corey Ogburn's user avatar
-1 votes
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a vs an before an noun starting with x [duplicate]

Im a programmer and I was writing a comment today that read: Finds a XPath relative to the Node From what I understand you should always use 'a' over 'an' when it proceeds a word starting with a ...
ug_'s user avatar
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Should it be "a established" or "an established"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Use of “a” versus “an” I have always been using a established. The CPM is a established theory that explains......... But when reading print ...
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