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Questions tagged [bring-take]

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To bring or to take? (British English)

I have a question about the use of these verbs, “bring” and “take”, in two specific situations. 1_‘The postman took the letter to my house.’ (context: I was not at home when saying this, but I was ...
Roberto's user avatar
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what to use: bring or take

To understand the meaning of the usage of bring and take: is it correct to say 'I was picked up from the hospital and was brought home.' and 'My husband picked me up from the hospital and took me home'...
David's user avatar
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Bring me vs Take me [duplicate]

I'm having a problem with a the use of Bring vs Take. I know, more or less, the difference between bring and take but in this case the "thing" that has to be moved from here to a different place is ...
Marco's user avatar
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Take vs taking - Which is more appropriate here?

Having a small confusion between the following sentences: "Enigma combines organic and electronic sounds, and takes you on a mystical journey..." OR "Enigma combines organic and electronic sounds, ...
LoveEnigma's user avatar
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I'll take you home / I'll bring you home

Being both non-natives, I had some discussion today about the following situation: suppose you're at a party and you want to take/bring your drunk buddy home. I believe that: "I'll take you home" ...
Abel's user avatar
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What is the correct usage of "bring" and "take"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “Bring” vs. “take” in American English I used to have what I thought was a good grasp on using the words 'bring' and 'take' until I moved to the south. ...
Roger S Pearce's user avatar
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"Please would you take the television down?" [closed]

We have a TV that folds into the roof in our car and one morning, as it was folded away my son asked, "Please would you take the television down?". I didn't think this was the correct use of the ...
Nigel's user avatar
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"Bring" versus "take" [duplicate]

My mother used to correct me all the time when I was younger when I would talk about bringing a toy to a friend’s house instead of taking it there. Which is correct, and why?
fbrereto's user avatar
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"Bring" vs. "take" in American English

English (other than American English) has a clear differentiation between the two words. Both are about translocating something. In "bring" the something of somebody is moved to where the speaker is ...
Farrel's user avatar
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