Linked Questions

4 votes
2 answers

"At/on/in railway station" [duplicate]

Which preposition is correct in the following sentence? Now I am at/on/in the railway station.
Iakov's user avatar
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"at the meeting" or "in the meeting" [duplicate]

When I asked my coworker where the boss is, she answered me: He is at the meeting. Is this correct? I thought it should be: He is in the meeting. Because he is physically inside the room having ...
Gugma's user avatar
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in/on/at the square [duplicate]

Every time I see a different preposition for the word square, I wonder whether I do not understand it or there is a mistake. On 10 October [1939] they gathered everyone on the brewery square, which ...
Justyna Nogala's user avatar
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‘In’ a meeting or ‘at’ a meeting? Which one is correct? [duplicate]

I would like to know what preposition ‘meeting’ should take. Should I say I’m at a meeting or I’m in a meeting?
Man-kit LI's user avatar
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"Launch a missile at" vs. "in" vs. "from" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Correct usage of ‘on’, ‘at’ and ‘in’ from a foreigner’s point of view I don't know which of these three sentences is preferable: India launched its Agni PSLV 5 missile ...
Sudhir's user avatar
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138 votes
41 answers

What are your favorite English language tools? [closed]

To prevent myself from asking an obvious, silly question multiple times: What are the English language tools you found most useful? I found Corpus Concordance English extremely useful for looking up ...
10 votes
3 answers

Prof Doe in/at the Department of, in/at the Faculty of, at/in the University of [duplicate]

I am reviewing an edited document in which the editor changed Prof Doe in the Department of ... in the Faculty of ... at the University of ... to Prof Doe at the Department of ... at the ...
user37579's user avatar
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Semantics of "on" versus "in"

Please help me in choosing the right preposition in this sentence: The returned values seem a bit confusing on/in its semantics, Here I'm talking about returned values of a computer programming ...
utxeee's user avatar
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5 votes
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Preposition usage: on, in, and at

Which is correct, "I worked on a project" or "I worked in a project?" Should I say "when I was at the university I studied math" or "when I was in the university I studied math?"
gsb's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

ON or AT the surface of the shell? [closed]

On the wall, at the table but how to say ON or AT the surface of the shell?
DuckQueen's user avatar
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What is correct? 'At d/m/y hh:mm' or 'On d/m/y hh:mm'

What is correct, if I want to be specific? On 12/7/2015 12:35 I made a purchase At 12/7/2015 12:35 I made a purchase
John Doe's user avatar
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Use of in and on

I'm having trouble when to use IN and ON. (i already know when to use it in a date and time) Like in a plate or on a plate, in the floor or on the floor. Are there any rules about it?
happy101's user avatar
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Why do we use "at" in the phrase "good at [doing]"

In English, why do we use "at" in phrases such as "good at [doing something]", "terrible at [doing something]", etc.? I'm trying to think of an example of how "at&...
Luke Hutchison's user avatar
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"in" vs "on" vs "at" with "rarely used code paths"

Which of these alternatives is the best one? Bugs are often found on rarely used code paths Bugs are often found in rarely used code paths Bugs are often found at rarely used code paths I have a ...
hugomg's user avatar
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"died at New York" [duplicate]

While doing archival work I bumped into a few instances where the awkward verbiage "died at New York" appeared. Research using Google Books led me to these examples from over a century ago: ...
desmo's user avatar
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