For example, if after you touch a hot pan and pull your hand away, someone says "Careful, that's hot.". Or if you dropped something and are fully aware of it, "You dropped something."

Is there a word or phrase that defines remarks that are either obvious or unhelpful, or more likely both?

Besides the obvious "unhelpful", that is. I'm wondering if there is a more proper term that's applied to such remarks.

The linked duplicate question is close, but not exactly what I'm asking. And I realize I may not be phrasing it correctly, or that what I'm trying to ask just doesn't have a good answer.

"Platitude" and "bromide" may be the closest matching terms, and I'd be OK with that.

I was just wondering about the specific situations where something happens and someone says that it happened. A statement that is unnecessary since the person they are talking to already knows.



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