This is the case I have in mind. I wish to express that impact acted in a way that was severely adverse.
It impacted her severely adversely.
The proposed text above doesn't feel right at all, though.
This is the case I have in mind. I wish to express that impact acted in a way that was severely adverse.
It impacted her severely adversely.
The proposed text above doesn't feel right at all, though.
Not all adverbs are allowed to modify other adverbs. The adverb severely cannot modify another adverb.
You could correct the sentence by saying "extremely severely" or by saying "it had a severely adverse impact on her".
How do you determine which adverbs can modify other adverbs (or adjectives or verbs, for that matter)? I don't know; I haven't found any lists online, and none of the dictionaries I've checked classify adverbs according to what they are able to modify.
It does sound wrong, and I wouldn't use it myself. That said, it seems to be a proper construction; an adverb can modify another adverb. Is it just discordant and hence not ideal?