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3 answers

What is the subject of the sentence "wherever she lives is where I am destined to be"?

Here are a few options: She: 'She' is the subject of the verb 'lives'. I: 'I' is the subject of the verb 'am'. Wherever she lives: 'Wherever she lives' is the subject of the verb 'is'. Where I am ...
Lee Zhiyuan's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Dependent or Independent clause?

Is "The way people write has changed" an independent clause or dependent clause? In any case please explain in detail. What is the subject, verb and object if there is or if there isn't. Thanks in ...
user306584's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Predicate and Verb [closed]

What is exactly the difference between Verb and Predicate ? could anybody please tell me clearly and give each example of both ? Thank you.
user113663's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What else did you think it stood for? vs stand for? vs stands for? [closed]

I'm confused about what tense the verb in the predicate of a question should take. Which of the following versions of stand should be used? What else did you think it stood for? What else did you ...
ayjay's user avatar
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3 answers

Parts of this Sentence

I have the following questions regarding this sentence. To train them is my cause. What is/are the verb(s) in the sentence? My guess: train. Question: only train or to train? What is subject and ...
Rico's user avatar
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