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Questions tagged [motto]

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In my pronouns god me defend

The motto of the UK monarch is apparently not the same in all parts of the kingdom: In Scotland, it is: In My Defens God Me Defend Ok, but - how do I pronounce this? Is "defens" pronounced like ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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What is the meaning of a party/event with the slogan "jingle&mingle"? [closed]

What will happen at this party? Is it something with musik or marketing?
Rainer Hens's user avatar
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"empower with" or "empower by" or something else [closed]

I'am thinking a motto of a technology startup. I'm wondering which one is better: NAME empowers smartphone users with leading machine learning technologies and solutions. or NAME empowers ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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"He for She" or "He for Her"?

Of course we all know that when a personal pronoun is the object of a verb or a preposition, it must be an objective pronoun. My question here is about the choice of a nominative pronoun in the ...
Centaurus's user avatar
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Is "The City Beautiful" (Orlando's motto) grammatically correct?

I have always wondered why the motto of the City of Orlando, FL (USA) is worded as The City Beautiful instead of The Beautiful City: Is The City Beautiful grammatically correct? If so, do you have ...
Jaime Soto's user avatar
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Non-religious mentions of God (or religious concepts) in the American English language

Reading about an appeal turned down by the US Supreme Court, I see that the majority opinion on phrases such as “in God we trust” and “one nation under God” is that they are not affirmations of faith, ...
F'x's user avatar
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