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Questions tagged [heteronyms]

questions about words with identical spellings but different pronunciations and meanings

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Context-specific hyphenation

Are there any heteronyms in English with different hyphenation patterns for line breaking? That is, is there any sequence of letters which can be interpreted as two different words with different ...
Sneftel's user avatar
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Words spelled the same way they are pronounced

Is there a term for words that are spelled the same way they are pronounced? If so, is there a list of them somewhere? For example, I have thought of: "a" spelled A pronounced "A" ...
ryan's user avatar
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Is there a pronunciation difference between the noun "display" and the verb "display"? [closed]

I know that in English, the emphasis on one syllable or the other is based on whether the word is a noun or a verb. For example: Contract CONtract- an agreement; conTRACT- to shrink or to agree on a ...
Cyhiraeth's user avatar
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How do I say the word “bow” in the sentence “I set my bow in the clouds...”?

How do you pronounce the word "bow" in the following sentence from Genesis 9:13? I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of my covenant between me and the earth. Is it pronounced bow as in ...
Armando Jaime's user avatar
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I've been searching on Google for a while now regarding homophones, homonyms and homographs, and I constructed a table to easily categorise words. Homophone Homonym Homograph Heteronym Pronunciation ...
Dog Lover's user avatar
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What are words that are spelt the same but pronounced differently? [duplicate]

Words like "read", "wind", "live" and "lead" are spelt the same, but have different meanings: Lead1 (leed): cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, a halter, a rope,...
Tim's user avatar
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Are heteronyms unique to English and why do they exist?

Heteronyms are words with identical spelling and unique definition and pronunciations. For example, read (I have read that book; I will read that book), close (The door is close; I will close the door)...
Malfist's user avatar
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