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Are "worshiping" and "worshipping" interchangeable? [closed]

Every online source seems to agree with the preconceived notion I had that the correct usage is "worshipping" with two p's, saying that "worshipping" is an exception to a rule about doubling the ...
Braden Best's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Why is the 'L' in detailed not doubled?

I cannot quite understand why the 'L' is not doubled when forming 'detailed' from 'detail'. Is that an exemption to the consonant doubling, or did I simply not understand the rules? From the answers ...
gschenk's user avatar
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Double Consonants in Gerund

Is there any rules regarding gerund that tell when to double the consonant of a word and when not to? I'm a little bit confused regarding this matter. Based on this link there are words that can be ...
Archie Azares's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Why is "batting" spelled with two t's, but "combating" spelled with one?

The "bating" in "combating" is pronounced the exact same way as "batting". It doesn't make sense to me.
Juju's user avatar
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Past participle form of "exit"?

What's the past participle form of the word exit? Is it exit (irregular, like set)? exited? exitted? On one page I found exited but if that's the case why isn't it exitted (double t) like with the ...
NPS's user avatar
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Which spelling is correct: "benefiting" or "benefitting"?

Which spelling is correct: benefiting or benefitting?
Adam's user avatar
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