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Another way to describe the role of a 'kapo', but not WW2

I'm looking for a way to describe a role similar to a concentration camp kapo, but outside the context of WW2 concentration camps. I need a generalized term that would work for any time-period. The ...
wetcircuit's user avatar
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Request for a scholarly reference for the correct usage of the English indefinite article (a/an). [duplicate]

This is NOT a request for a recommendation of a "best" book. I'm looking for a definitive authoritative source to address a specific question... I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine who ...
O.M.Y.'s user avatar
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What makes a word archaic?

I understand that essentially a word is "archaic" if it is old and not really used much today. What I'm interested in is if there is something quantifiable that makes a word archaic or not. For ...
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