Linked Questions

6 votes
6 answers

One's brilliant vocabulary and a tendency to show it off [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What’s a big-vocabulary word for someone with a big vocabulary? There are people who are blessed with a remarkable knowledge of vocabulary and diction – people who can come up ...
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2 votes
4 answers

A (highfalutin) word for a highfalutin word? [duplicate]

To illustrate the question, badroit used the word "meretricious" meretriciously. Is there an English word that describes highfalutin words like "meretricious" that are (gratuitously) used in place of ...
badroit's user avatar
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What is a person called who likes to use big words to make others think they are superior? [duplicate]

What is a person called who uses: Complicated vocabulary when a simple answer would be sufficient? Uses complex vocabulary to make others think they are highly educated Is unnecessarily verbose
hotajax's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the word for "knowledge of words?" [duplicate]

I remember that there was a word that meant being knowledgeable about many words, but I've forgotten what the word was.
Aaron La's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

what is a word to describe a word-snob [duplicate]

I can't think of the word that describes a word snob and use of the word pretty much proves you are one. Anybody?
michael's user avatar
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Word for someone who is a lover of words [duplicate]

Is there a one word term for someone who is a lover of words? Similar to language enthusiast but only in a single word.
Eritrea Yunani's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

What does the suffix “-saurus” mean?

Is it the same meaning in tyrannosaurus as in thesaurus? I really can’t imagine what those two words could possibly have in common!
Urbycoz's user avatar
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4 answers

A word or phrase to describe someone who is obsessed with words?

I want to be able to describe the love for, or obsession with, words. It may also be a condition from other's perspective. It maybe because he is a lunatic who wants to aggrandize his vocabulary, a ...
vickyace's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Is there a word for a person who loves to build his vocabulary? [closed]

What is the English word for a person who loves building his vocabulary?
Dhiren's user avatar
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Is there a word for a person who uses the thesaurus too much?

I have a friend who uses the thesaurus all. the. time. and ends up using unnecessary words and looking silly. Is there a word for this kind of person? Or a person who is constantly trying to impress ...
Katie's user avatar
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Is there a word for being addicted to words? [duplicate]

I don't know... I just thought it might sound really pretty, or "deep" in some way. I've been compiling a list of beautiful and rare words and I'm pretty sure I am addicted to words so I thought "why ...
Mikey C.'s user avatar