Look at these two newspaper article titles(I know you must be thinking that the first one no journalist would write this way):
1: "Klopp talks about what went wrong with his team".
2: "Klopp opens up on what went wrong with his team".
What is the nuance difference between using ''open up'' instead of ''talk about'' or ''comments on'' in this newspaper article? The closest Cambridge Dictionary definition to ''open up'' on this subject is ''talk about yourself and your feelings''. I happened to see other examples with this sentence number 2: ''The guy opens up on what went wrong with a certain person '' and that person didn't even have anything to do with his life, because usually we open up our feelings about something that is part of of our lives, which left me wondering about the nuance of ''open up'' in this specific context.
Is “open up” restricted to feelings or may it also apply to facts?