In an etymological approach to asymmetry, we must refer to the Greek word ἀσυμμετρία that means disproportion. In other words, asymmetry is a lack of symmetry that implies another element for making a comparison. This is an aseptic meaning. A situation where a heterogeneous element is introduced, breaking the proportionality of the parts, between them and in relation to the whole.
A second meaning, in a pejorative sense, what we call dissymmetry – the prefix dis- expresses negation or completeness or intensification of an unpleasant or unattractive action-, will be applied to those situations where a proportional or symmetrical situation was broken in an anomalous or faulty way (i.e. for political pressures, the threat of secession or self-determination, the confusion between powers –if you have differences in culture, religion, language… you could reach more powers in economy, social services or foreign policy or more representatives in State institutions-).
When a territorial organization is based on dissymmetries we have to speak about the pathology of federations, meaning the failure of them. Spanish centrifugal federalism has traditionally based on dissymmetries.
SEIJAS VILLADANGOS, E. (a) (2013): “Asymmetry as an element of federalism: a theoretical speculation fifty years later - readress the Spanish case”, en LÓPEZ BASAGUREN, A.;
ESCAJEDO SAN EPIFANIO, L. (Eds.), The Ways of federalism in Western Countries and the Horizons of Territorial Autonomy in Spain, Vol. 2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-27717-7_44, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 679-690. p.681