What is an alternative word to tell about 'over lit area'?
I am using it in this example:
The light from my lamp has over-lit my table.
What is an alternative word to tell about 'over lit area'?
I am using it in this example:
The light from my lamp has over-lit my table.
The verb overlight (one word) means
to illuminate too brightly
You are already there
The light from my lamp has overlit my table.
I'd suggest
2 [no object, with adverbial of direction]
(Of a light or light source) shine brightly
The bright lights were still beaming down as bright as ever. (ODO)
Here's a Google Ngram showing the 10 most frequently used prepositions with "light beamed..." some of them are: from, on, upon, over...
So your sentence might read:
The light from my lamp beamed over my table.*
The light from my lamp beamed on my table.
The light beamed from the lamp above/beside my table.
*Note that this is another meaning of 'over' - here it means to extend over an area (i.e. your table) it is not a prefix over- (used to denote something is excessive) like in your word overlit.
You might try something that would convey the same meaning contextually such as engulfed.
The light from my lamp engulfed my table
Furniture Store Lighting--A phrase used to desrcibe a room or interior of a building with garish overhead fluorescent lighting that permits no shadows. It refers, naturally to the type of lighting used in furniture stores--a harsh glaring light so the customer can't ignore the goods on display.