A binary digit is a bit.
Is there an equivalent term for a three-state digit?
(e.g., a digit representing true, false, or unknown)
A binary digit is a bit.
Is there an equivalent term for a three-state digit?
(e.g., a digit representing true, false, or unknown)
At least, according to Wikipedia:
Analogous to a bit, a ternary digit is a trit (trinary digit)
and 1
as binary values, and C has no other way of representing. You can trivially represent t/f/u.
I think that the question contains a faulty premise. There are many types of three-valued logic. Some three-valued systems include:
I would therefore say that a "digit" representing true, false, unknown is not a digit at all, but rather a nullable boolean, or possibly a tri-state value.
which means it can have the values of None
, Some(true)
or 'Some(false)`.
Apr 9, 2014 at 19:21
Maybe Boolean
would be one of three values: Just True
, Just False
, or Nothing
. And while that is one of the tri-state booleans, it isn't the only one. Instead of "unknown" the third option could be almost any useful value: "maybe", "partially true/false", "n/a", etc. Depends on what you want to model with such a system.
Apr 9, 2014 at 19:55
Trit for trinary digit.
According to Princeton Wikipedia, since the Princeton article was retrieved from Wikipedia:
Analogous to a bit, a ternary digit is a trit (trinary digit). One trit contains log23 (about 1.58496) bits of information.
Trits and base 3 computing and hardware have been researched and developed in the 50's. The idea was to eliminate the 2 stage binary comparison by implementing the ternary logic less, equal, or greater outcomes or true, false, or unknown.
I was not able to find any published work with the definition of a trit, but a few articles talking about it and its implementation.
This is the closest to a definition given in American Scientist in an article about the third base:
Setun operated on numbers composed of 18 ternary digits, or trits, ...