Where in the U.S. and Canada do they say, at the first/last of [the day/night/week, etc.] for at the beginning/end of [the day/night/week, etc.]?
Luck had it that they only experienced a very minor sprinkle at the first of the day...
"Breakfast” is defined in the dictionary as “a meal eaten at the first of the day.” This definition does not say when exactly the first of the day is, but the first of most students' Sundays begins anywhere from 11 am to 4 pm.
Clay, who had already decided she was right, looked out the barn door at the last of the day.
At the first of the week, give the class 10 points to start. Keep track of points on the chalkboard for all to see. Erase a point anytime a student interrupts another person. At the end of the week, if any points are remaining, then the class gets to have the reward from the secret sack (written on the piece of paper.)
"I wasn't figuring on these cold temperatures, though. It was so mild in the fall and at the first of winter."
We are going to build our springhouse today and dig up some of the vegetables that we buried at the first of winter.
The 43rd president of the United States had paid lip service to closing the Mexican border to the illegal immigrants back at the first of the century, but nothing significant had been done to stem the tide.
We also should note that John was told expressly at the first of the book (Rev. 1:1) and also at the end of the book...
An Overview of the Book of Revelation
A man who routinely claimed he was hearing command hallucinations to inject rubbing alcohol into his veins requested admission at the end of every month, when his assistance checks had run out. At the first of the next month, like clockwork, he would sign himself out of the hospital, stating that his voices had miraculously abated.
Falling Into the Fire: A Psychiatrist's Encounters with the Mind in Crisis by Christine Montross
This is going to be the embarrassing part that I apologized to my family about at the first of the book, so Mom, if you're reading, you might want to skip this part, because the drag racing back in high school and the other things you didn't know about your daughter makes really good reading to total strangers.
I've Got My Big Girl Panties On: One Foot at a Time
“Oh you guys are lucky you stopped by. At the first of the year this was all going to be tossed out or given to another station.”
first n.
the beginning: We're going to The Fort for family vacation the first of June; She was a good worker from the first.
last n.
the end or conclusion: We're going on vacation the last of September.