We have a tender document, and it lists how the offer should be proposed. Basically this is split into 3 sections:
- Rationale
- Strategy
- Details of Proposal
Under section 2., there is this clause:
A description of the support facilities (back-stopping) that the contractor and his team will have during the execution of the contract
What does the phrase 'back-stopping' mean, in this context? Just for reference, below you can find the entire content of 2. Strategy.
- An outline of the approach proposed for contract implementation.
- A list of the proposed activities considered to be necessary to achieve the contract objectives
- The related inputs and outputs
- In the case of a tender being submitted by a consortium, a description of the input from each of the consortium partners and the distribution and interaction of tasks and responsibilities between them
- A description of the support facilities (back-stopping) that the contractor and his team will have during the execution of the contract
- A description of sub-contracting arrangements foreseen, if any and within the limit indicated in clause 3 of the Instructions to tenderers, with a clear indication of the tasks that will be entrusted to a sub-contractor and a statement by the tenderer guaranteeing the eligibility of any sub-contractor