Let us say I frame a sentence as follows:

Is there any way around this problem?

I want to convey the feeling that bypass, or trick without actually using the problem, without actually dealing with it.

P.S.: It may so happen that my actual sentence does not convey this feeling either. I am learning English and am new to it.

  • 2
    Do you want circumvent (literally, "go around")?
    – Andrew Leach
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 22:50
  • yup. Heard this word before but forgot. Couldn't remember so asked. Thanks!!! Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 22:52

4 Answers 4


Andrew suggested a good word choice to use in an alternative to your example sentence, which would be something like this:

Can the problem be circumvented?


Is there a way to circumvent the problem?

As for a one word substitute for "any way around it", you might consider alternative.

Your sentence becomes Is there an alternative to this problem?

I would suggest a slight modification of this, though, which might not exactly answer your question:

Is there an alternative to addressing/facing this problem?

  • Though not related to the problem, but I would like to ask that in the last sentence should we use "addressing" or "address". Why or why not. Commented Jan 26, 2013 at 2:04
  • @AmanDeepGautam: Definitely addressing, because the construct is "an alternative to + noun phrase". Therefore you use the ing-form (the gerund, if you will), which acts like a noun Commented Jan 31, 2013 at 13:36

Is there a workaround for this problem?

workaround - a plan or method to circumvent a problem without eliminating it.

(emphasis mine - I don't think other alternatives cover OP's without actually dealing with it).


You might try dodge.

dodge n.
2. An ingenious expedient intended to evade or trick.



Has sense of avoidance without resolution, as requested.

  • "Can we sidestep this problem?"




Exit strategy?

Plan B?

Then what? / Now what?

Next? / Next please ...

3 words, but may spawn ideas. Or not:

Shikata ga nai! 仕方がない

Can be used several ways but as an affirmation it may be appropriate.

Used in Kim Stanley Robinson's marvellous Red/Green/Blue Mars series as ~= "There is no other way". ~= Let's do it. Let's find a way. ...

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