I'm trying to find a word that would fit into a sentence like:
The problem with social media is that it's inherently voyeuristic.
I'm writing prose where my intention is to show how human sexuality has changed in the internet era-- pointing out changes such as the difficulty of clandestine affairs, the way that dating and meeting people has changed, how there is now more of an 'audience,' then there was before, and that innocuous posts on social media can be examined in contexts that they weren't originally intended for, revealing (even inadvertently) private information. Relationships are scrutinized in a way that never existed before.
What I'm trying to convey in my sentence is that:
The problem with social media is that it's inherently on display for people who are not participants in the relationship.
My problem with voyeuristic is that there is nothing sexual about the constant monitoring of each other online, but I want to convey surveillance and transparency. The only word other than voyeuristic that I can think of is translucent, but that doesn't fit either.