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What does it mean for something to be "so-called"? [closed]

What does it mean if someone says, This is the so-called [noun] or This is the so-called "[noun]" What is the purpose of the addition of so-called? Are these sentences neutral or has ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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"Twisting someone's words" expression tone [closed]

Is the sentence "You are twisting his/her words" considered a respectful, polite, or neutral expression? To be clear, I am not asking about the meaning of the expression, nor I am asking a writing ...
Povel's user avatar
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Term used when answering a question with a lowered tone?

Is there a term/phrase that can be used to describe the answering of a question with such a tone that would indicate that the answer isn't as all it seems? For example, if one person were to ask ...
Daniel Bramhall's user avatar