Linked Questions

19 votes
5 answers

"BookList" or "booksList?" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: “User accounts” or “users account?” Is it correct to say “lesson count” or “lessons count”? I'm wondering whether or not I ...
nonamelive's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

should a list of tokens be called a "token list" or a "tokens list" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “User accounts” or “users account?” I ask because a list of tasks would usually be called a "task list". However a list or previous winners of a ...
David Sutton's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Multiple plural, any rules? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “User accounts” or “users account?” What is correct way to use -s when talking about multiple plurals? For example, what is correct: items positions ...
Kirzilla's user avatar
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6 votes
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Use of the plural with list, and when item count is 0 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “user accounts” or “users account”? I keep asking myself which form is the most correct when listing items on a website: "Article list" or "Articles ...
greg0ire's user avatar
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Should it be for example "product prices" or "products prices" [duplicate]

I don't know what are the correct terms for this question. Which form is correct for cases of multiple plural nouns, both should be plural or only the second one, for example: product prices or ...
Rafał Kłys's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Thing count or thingS count [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “User accounts” or “users account” Should a list of tokens be called a “token list” or a “tokens list” “BookList” or “booksList?” When there are ...
eigenein's user avatar
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Is it incorrect to refer to a set of things by using the singular form of the objects it contains? [duplicate]

I'm sorry I couldn't word that better, the following example will hopefully clarify: As you can see, the teacher refered to the bank of words as "word bank", as opposed to "words bank". Which one is ...
0x6C38's user avatar
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1 vote
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image count / images count [duplicate]

If we have a number which represents the number of images, do you call that the images count or the image count? If you take the example with the images you could say: The '15' is the image count ...
Ybrin's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is it correct to say products line or product line? [duplicate]

If a company has several products, is that a products line or a product line?
Gayle C King's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Child entities vs Children entities [duplicate]

If we have a set of entities which are [metaphorical] children of a given [metaphorical] parent what should we call them? (Here, 'entity' can refer to anything.) Are they 'children entities' or '...
michal.jakubeczy's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is It “Category URLs” or “Categories URLs” [duplicate]

I want to talk about several categories. Each category has only one URL. Which one is correct and why? Category URLs Categories URL Categories URLs
user557108's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Task breakdown vs Tasks breakdown vs Tasks' breakdown [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “User accounts” or “users account” should a list of tokens be called a “token list” or a “tokens list” “Book market” or “books market” Which one(s) ...
Robottinosino's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

"Book market" or "books market" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “User accounts” or “users account” Which is correct: book market or books market? Similarly, is it pirate bay or pirates bay?
isa's user avatar
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Is it correct to say "lesson count" or "lessons count"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “user accounts” or “users account”? If I mean "number of lessons", which grammatical construction should I go for? I can imagine three of them: Lesson ...
Septagram's user avatar
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Thing table or things table? [duplicate]

By table I mean that thing with rows and columns. How do I say correctly: "I'll add a record to the student table" or "I'll add a record to the students table"? Also what's right: "I'll add a record ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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