How do people feel about grammatically incorrect sentences within literature? For example, consider the following sentence.
How sad if we pass through life and never see it with the eyes of a child.
I was doing an online search of the most beautiful sentences in literature. I've noticed that many sentences that writers deem the most beautiful are grammatically incorrect. Elements of Style suggests that this is ok as long as the "emphasis is warranted" (Rule 1.6), but there seems to be so many. How do academics/writers feel about this?
Is it ok if writing is full of incomplete sentences?
I know the ultimate purpose of writing is about communication. So even if it's grammatically wrong, does it matter if the message is clear?
On the other hand, poor grammar does lead to confusion and misinterpretation. Many times, it's born of laziness. For these reasons, it's not something we should condone.
I'm trying to figure out how I should feel about this. How do most writers feel?
What should teachers tell their students when writing academic essays?