First of all, I tried to find an answer to my question under similar topics but couldn't find. If there's a question topic that's identical or similar to this one please put a link and I'll delete this.
We use "on" when we talk about blocking someone on social media e.g. to block on Instagram, to block on WhatsApp, etc.
Where to put "on" when we describe the person/people with relative clauses?
- Blocking people who told you were wrong on Linkedin doesn't help you to learn.
- Blocking people on Linkedin who told you were wrong doesn't help you to learn.
The first sentence above looks more correct but strange to me. Because I don't mean the people who told somebody that he/she was wrong "on Linkedin" (i.e. telling this on a linkedin page or under a post comment or something like that: "you were wrong on Linkedin").
The second sentence looks totally different to me: It looks like I described "Linkedin" as a person who told somebody that he/she was wrong.
As a third option, I'm thinking about using comma:
- Blocking people who told you were wrong, on Linkedin doesn't help you to learn.
I'd like to indicate blocking people on Linkedin, people who told the OP that he/she was wrong. Could you please show me the correct way?