In comments, John Lawler wrote:
This particular use of the -ing form is called a "Gerund", and it does function in much the same way as an infinitive does. Infinitive clauses and gerund clauses are varieties of Complement clauses -- subordinate clauses that act as nouns in a sentence, typically the subject or direct object of certain verbs. The example you give -- learning extracurricular software to improve personal training -- is not a sentence, however. It could be a sentence if it had a main verb, but as it is, it is only a gerund clause followed by a purpose infinitive clause.
If this text is for your CV, you have much bigger problems than gerund vs infinitive. To start with, prefixed goals does not mean what you think it means, because it doesn't mean anything. And software is a mass noun that doesn't occur in the plural. On the other hand, that might be normal in whatever dialect of English is spoken where you live; there are thousands.