In the course of reviewing a standard operating procedure, I came across the subheading: "Receival, Costing and Charging of Work".
I immediately began to doubt whether the word "receival" was a legitimate equivalent to the noun "receipt", as in: receipt of samples...
My gut feeling is that use of "receival" in place of the word "receipt", as above, is either outmoded/archaic, or entirely incorrect.
Several Google searches of the word tend to confirm my suspicion that "receival" is used very rarely these days, and generally only occurs as a noun modifier. (For example: receival bin, receival limits, Grain Receival Standards.)
Am I correct in assuming that "receival" should not be used as a post-qualified* noun, such as in: receival of work?
*(I just made up that compound adjective; feel free to correct me if you are aware of the proper term.)