In in a debate with theist three words kept plaguing the conversation,
- Respect
- Agree
- Understand
We were both satisfied with the communication using agree, and understand,
I understand what is happening, and the reasons for it but I don't agree with it.
But, when respect was introduced all things went ape shit,
I understand what is happening, and the reasons for it but I don't respect it.
How does respect relate to agreement and understanding? And, when speaking of moral matters can you ever respect something you find morally reprehensible?
Specifically, the context of this was
Theologically, I can understand why Mormons deny Baptism to children of gay parents. But, even if homosexuality was a choice, I can neither agree with nor respect the notion of burdening a child because of the sins of a parents' choice.
The person I was talking to thought not respecting a religious tenant was wrong, and I can't figure out what kind of definition of "respect" you'd have to employ to make sense of that kind of statement.