I'm trying to find a word to describe a series of events. For example, the revolution in Lybia consists of a series of chronological events. I want to say 'development', but that seems to refer more to a single event.

  • The answer is simply "events." Just for the record, in your sentence, it's "chronological series of events" or better simply "series of events." series/chronological is somewhat tautological in any combination. "series of chronological events" is horribly tautological.
    – Fattie
    Commented May 14, 2011 at 12:38
  • I believe the point they're making is that one event causes the next one. A sets off B sets off C. Instead of A and B having their own origins, but combining to set off C. For example, boy wants beer -> goes to bar -> meets girl, versus, boy goes to bar + girl goes to bar -> boy + girl meet. Commented Feb 20, 2016 at 16:59

6 Answers 6


Here are a few words:


If you don't mind several words, how about:

Train of events
Succession of events.


The Revolution in Libya was comprised of a succession of several events.


Your goal seems to be to replace all three words in “series of events” with one word, but I don’t see one. However, if you’re willing to consider two words that would cover both “series” and “events,” I’d propose “chain reaction”:

chain reaction n. 1. A series of events in which each induces or influences the next.

chain reaction n 3. a series of rapidly occurring events, each of which precipitates the next.

chain′ reac`tion n. 2. a series of events in which each event is the result of the one preceding and the cause of the one following. [1925–30]

(from ‘American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,’ ‘Collins English Dictionary,’ and ‘Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary,’ respectively, all via ‘The Free Dictionary by Farlex’)

The revolution in Lybia [,as most revolutions are,] was a chain reaction.



chain of events

A series of occurrences WordReference

cascade of events

cascade: A large number of things that happen in a series M-W

concatenation of events

concatenation: A series of interconnected events, concepts, etc. FOD

consecution of events

consecution: a sequence or succession FOD

  • 1
    +1 for "chain" (which I borrowed to use in my answer)
    – Papa Poule
    Commented Feb 20, 2016 at 18:07

How about :

"Revolution in Lybia coalesced due to combination of events."


"Revolution in Lybia developed due to combination of events."

Events being chronological is already inferred as no one has invented a time machine yet ( as we know of). Also there is a stronger condition has been imposed on the series of events, namely the specific combination ( be it their chronlogical order or type-of-event wise ).


to be worthy of a 6th answer, please consider skein

a succession or series of similar or interrelated things: a skein of tennis victories. [dictionary.com][1]

[1]: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/skein

As in:

The revolution in Lybia was a tangled skein of events.

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