What are the proper uses of the word 'imperatively'? Does this sentence use the word correctly?
"We are all an imperatively significant pixel, part of the ever intricate mosaic of life."
What are the proper uses of the word 'imperatively'? Does this sentence use the word correctly?
"We are all an imperatively significant pixel, part of the ever intricate mosaic of life."
Yes, this is a correct usage. My reading is:
"We are all a pixel that is imperatively significant, part of the ever intricate mosaic of life."
"We are all a pixel that is significant in an imperative /way/manner/, part of the ever intricate mosaic of life."
See it at work in all these examples at Google Books:
"in an imperatively" About 749 results
e.g., this one, where it appears in concert with another adverb, "centrally":
Race, Ethnicity, and Entrepreneurship in Urban America - Page 21 Ivan Hubert Light, Carolyn Nancy Rosenstein
This strategy embeds business trust in an imperatively coordinated, centrally managed bureaucracy. Transactional economists suppose that inefficient markets compel firms to choose bureaucracy over market coordination (Acheson, 1986:49).
Also, see this recent thread: