Thanks to all for taking care to answer my question. Living in Uganda the 'net is often sporadic and moreover I am never informed of the activity my question(s) could have generated. In answer some people have said "to include" in place of "including" is plain wrong, yet admin has quoted from the Senate report where it has been used scores of times. Myself I am struck by its constant usage by the eminent columnist Philip Giraldi. It jars me, but there, it is there. It is like he wants his usage to pass into general usage. Once again, excuses for asking a question and leaving it there. I am going to go look up all my questions and comments made and do some comments myself.
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Trump's sanctions on ICC is because U.S. record in › news › Trump-s-sanctions-on-I...
Jun 17, 2020 - TEHRAN - Philip Giraldi, a former CIA intelligence officer, says Donald ... war crimes in Afghanistan, to include killing civilians and prisoners.
Philip Giraldi (@philipgiraldi) | › philipgiraldi
The latest Tweets from Philip Giraldi (@philipgiraldi). ... that many would regard as conspiratorial or even violently radical, to include black lives matter and ...
Demise of US Hegemony Hastened by Trump: Ex-CIA Officer › news › 2019/08/28 › demise-o...
Aug 28, 2019 - Philip Giraldi is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military ... on political changes, to include a renunciation of nuclear weapons. The US ...