To my ear, the preposition after protested sounds strange. I searched the NYT for similar phrases, finding:
- was ejected in the eighth inning of their 14-inning 9-5 victory after he vehemently protested an overturned call at first base.
- ...failed in his fiduciary obligations and had put personal and family gain ahead of union interests — judgments that he vehemently protested.
- ... Ms. Winston said she vehemently protested that idea. ''My suggestion to Van was that CBS rethink...
- students have frequently rebelled; in 2008, they protested what they described as slipping academic requirements, shoddy...
- More than 230 people were arrested yesterday in San Francisco as they protested President Reagan's Central America policy...
But I was unable to fine even one instance of he vehemently protested over, and very few protested + over in any context (in the NYT).