Commutative = where changing the order of words or item would not affect the outcome or meaning of the phrase or equation.
Commutative, as applied to a binary operation, by extension of logic and grouping would apply to triplets, quadruplets, ... and n-tuplets as well. For example, hierarchical commutation of pairs
((a . b) . c) = ((a . c) . b) = ((c . b) . a) = (a . b . c) = (c . a . b), etc.
com•mu•ta•tive (kŏm′yə-tā′tĭv, kə-myo̅o̅′tə-tĭv)
- Relating to, involving, or characterized by substitution, interchange, or exchange.
- Independent of order. Used of a logical or mathematical operation that combines objects or sets of objects two at a time. If a × b = b × a, the operation indicated by × is commutative.
com•mu′ta•tiv′i•ty (kə-myo̅o̅′tə-tĭv′ĭ-tē) n.
commutative (kəˈmjuːtətɪv; ˈkɒmjʊˌteɪtɪv)
- relating to or involving substitution
- (Mathematics) maths logic
a. (of an operator) giving the same result irrespective of the order of the arguments; thus disjunction and addition are commutative but implication and subtraction are not
b. relating to this property: the commutative law of addition.
- (Logic) maths logic
a. (of an operator) giving the same result irrespective of the order of the arguments; thus disjunction and addition are commutative but implication and subtraction are not
b. relating to this property: the commutative law of addition.
comˈmutatively adv
For example, commutative grammar of certain synthetic languages, where English have scantly such properties.
- She loved him
- She him loved
- Loved him she
- Loved she him
- Him she loved
- Him loved she