Does anyone know how to describe the type of poetic syntax of the line:
"As the deer panteth for the water / So my soul longeth after thee" or something to that effect.
I'm not sure if this would be an example of parataxis or hypotaxis.
Normally, "so" is a coordinating conjunction, which makes me think that this might count as parataxis, but the adverb "as" seems to make the first clause dependent and thus render the syntax as hypotaxis.
Another related question: is as/so a correlative conjunction like neither/nor or either/or?
[just] as he had predicted, [so] the Trojans welcomed the great horse.
The conjunction / relative adverb as refers forward to the adverb so, which is often left out in ordinary English; then as could be said to refer to the entire main clause.X
is a correlative quantifier -- an equative in this case. It's a graph showing a consistent positive slope forX
from zero up.