A. There is something missing from both sentences. The phrase "Please follow the instructions below..." is an imperative to the reader, which sets up an expectation that you will explain the purpose or what will happen or what the reader will achieve by following these instructions. Instead, you follow with "...for a sample of...", which lacks any reference to the reader.
I suggest something like the following:
"Please follow these instructions in order to generate a sample of this profile as it might appear on their official website."
"Please follow these instructions in order to see how this profile might appear on their official website."
Notice that I added the qualifier "might". I assume that you are not instructing the reader to produce the official website, itself, but instead you are instructing them to produce something that looks like the official web site, in most respects. But it might not look like it exactly. If you are confident that the appearance will be identical, then you could use "...will..." instead of "...might...".
B. These two sentences might be saying different things regarding how the biography format can be changed ("rearranged"). For this answer, I assume that the "steps" describe how the reader can change ("rearrange") the format of biography.
I suggest the following:
"Please provide a short biography. Your biography will be converted to a format with the following structure: ..."
NOTE: I'm using active forms that speak directly to the reader (e.g. "Here is..." and "If you need..."). Not everyone is comfortable with this writing style, even though there is evidence that it leads to more effective communication.