
What is another way of saying "being judged?"

The context is:

  1. Being judged gave me an open mind about the different ways other cultures are judged and treated as well.
  2. Being criticized gave me an open mind about the different ways other cultures are judged and treated as well.

Does my revision make sense?

  • 2
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because there is insufficient context about the form of judgement served to answer meaningfully.
    – Lawrence
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 3:26

4 Answers 4


'Critiqued' might be better than 'criticized', because it doesn't have as negative a connotation. It can be destructive or constructive.


This would depend on the context of what was being judged. Competition entries are judged in a straightforward way, but people can be judged quite differently.

Everyone was looking at me, I felt I was being judged/I felt under scrutiny/I felt under pressure to [perform well]


Have you examined any synonyms for "judged"? Such as

evaluated, appraised, assessed, gauged, rated

or related words, like

examined, eyed, scrutinized, inspected, investigated, reviewed, surveyed

  1. weigh-scaled
  2. audited
  3. reviewed
  4. questioned
  5. subjected to scrutiny

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