I just started to dig into suffixes and prefixes. But I couldn't understand how do they exactly change the meaning of the word that they are appended.

For example re- means again, retake means take again. Inter- means between, but interact means acting in a way that you have an effect on something. Interact has no connection with between. Why is that?

  • I think you mean re- not -re. Not all words starting with what appears to be a suffix are suffixed. Commented Aug 6, 2019 at 14:23
  • @marcellothearcane edited. Thank you.
    – J.Smith
    Commented Aug 6, 2019 at 14:29

2 Answers 2


Inter- has the following definitions:

  1. Between; among.
    ‘inter-agency’, ‘interblend’
  2. Mutually; reciprocally.

The between is the fourth definition:

Indicating a connection or relationship involving two or more parties.

According to Etymonline, interact means:

"act on each other, act reciprocally," 1805, from inter- + act (v.).

In addition, Lexico defines it thus:

  1. Act in such a way as to have an effect on each other.
  • Seems like resources I looked from doesn't give the exact definition. Thank you. Are there a tool that finds base word of a given word? For example I want to learn base word of duplicate, how can I do that?
    – J.Smith
    Commented Aug 6, 2019 at 14:30
  • This question is general reference. The correct response is to direct the OP to the Help Center (which gives easily available resources) and close-vote. ELU is aimed at 'linguists ...'. It's the only website I know that is. Wouldn't it be good to maintain standards? Commented Aug 6, 2019 at 14:33
  • @J.Smith Etymonline is good for that. Commented Aug 6, 2019 at 14:35

"Inter-" means between separate bodies/particles, within the macro scope.

Opposite of, "Itra-" meaning between constituents of a single body/particle, within the micro scope.

Therefore, "Inter-Action" refers to an action that takes place between 2 (or more) separate bodies.

As opposed to the theoretical "Intra-Action", which would refer to an action taking place between the constituents of a single body.

An example of celestial Inter-Action may be, the gravitational pull between a sun and the planets that revolve around it. Notice how the sun and the planets are separate celestial bodies, that are acting upon each other.

Examples of celestial Intra-Action may be: the atmospheric weather patterns, volcanic activity and tectonic drift experienced within a planet's exo-sphere; or the solar flares, nuclear fusion and convection experienced within a sun/star. Notice how these activities take place within the celestial bodies, but are the "Inter-Actions" of their constituents.

The prefixes "Inter-" and "Intra-" are really just references to scopes, relative to the scope of the topic, or of the body of topic. (For which in the above example, was "Celestial".)

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