I am doing my thesis corrections, and my examiner (an engineer) has different ideas about whether the word should be pluralised than those I am used to, as I am a non-biochemist, I wanted advice on the accepted practice.
When talking about multiple types of antibody I am used to people in my lab saying antibodies, however as my lab is very international I realise that the way we talk may be idiosyncratic.
e.g. "within the polyclonal serum we found antibodies against a number of targets";
but when we are talking about antibody of one type we use the singular;
e.g. "the pipette contained 25mg/ml of SN607D8 antibody"
"the pipette contained 25mg/ml of SN607D8 antibodies".
Is this correct? Are there any documents that lay out the grammar for such things?
Similarly when we are talking about multiple types of antigen we say antigens
"the antibody bound specifically to HLA-A2, but non specifically to a number of other antigens";
but when we are talking about a number of a single type of antigen we would use the singular
"the cell had numerous HLA-A2 antigen on its surface"
"the cell had numerous HLA-A2 antigens on its surface".
Again is this correct?