I’d like to clear convey that the documents were all “sent on this day, the twenty-third of August”, which is today as of this writing. When would you use each of these constructions?

  1. I sent all the documents 23 August.
  2. I have sent all the documents 23 August.
  3. I had sent all the documents 23 August.

Or is there a better way to write it so that it reads more clearly and will be better understood? What about:

  1. I did send all the documents 23 August.

1 Answer 1


I sent all the documents on 23 August.

(that's when I did it; or on August 23, American style)

I have (already) sent all the documents.

(this is a fact, a completed action, no date)

I had sent all the documents on 23 August and I received a confirmation yesterday.

(one action followed another one in the past)

I did send all the documents on 23 August.

(it's true /or: actually, despite your doubt/, I confirm the following)


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