Is there a dictionary dedicated to word prefixes? I'd like to know more about de-, but there's no uniform meaning; for example, in demystify it signifies a reverse action, while in delimit it's a positive meaning, like set.
1 Answer
I don't think there is a dictionary dedicated solely to prefixes. But you can find some common prefixes and their definitions in normal dictionaries. E.g. definitions of the prefix de- may be found in YourDictionary:
away from, off: debar, derail
down: degrade
wholly, entirely: defunct
reverse the action of; undo: defrost, decode
Edit: On the second thought, there are some. You can try searching for "Merriam-Webster's a Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes, And Combining Forms". I'm not sure if we're allowed to post links to resources, where you can actually download one though, else I'd give you one.
5I'm sure there isn't a "dictionary" dedicated to suffixes, but there is Michael Quinion's excellent Ologies and Isms, which covers all "affixes" (prefixes, suffixes, and infixes). I think he even includes bloody as an "intensifying infix" in the expression abso-bloody-lutely. Commented Oct 10, 2011 at 17:36
1Wiktionary covers prefixes just fine. So does etymonline. Commented Oct 11, 2011 at 0:11