When you look up the word kingsman in Wiktionary, its etymology shows that it is compounded with king + s + man in the same way as Klansman (Ku Klux Klan's member), huntsman (a man who hunts) or kinsman (a man who is one of a person's blood relations).
I believe that such nouns have evolved into their current forms as ' (apostrophe) was not absolutely necessary.
I thought about the difference in their nuance and meaning between kingsman and king's man especially after watching the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service.
The meaning of kingsman is not even listed in Oxford Online Dictionary, Collins and Merriam-Webster and only Wiktionary has the following meaning:
(military) The lowest enlisted rank in the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment of the British Army, equivalent to private in the rest of the British Army.
The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment doesn't seem to be well known (at least to me) and there must be a reason why the word kingsman is not even listed in a major dictionary.
What does kingsman mean exactly? If it means the lowest enlisted rank like private in the U.S. army, it doesn't sound very prestigious and honorable.
Is it a kind of neologism that suddenly became very popular when the movie was released? I am particularly interested in finding out how this word had been used in BrE and AmE before the movie was released.
What is the difference in terms of nuance and meaning between kingsman and king's man?